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together we your house a home
posted Jan 31, 2017

5 Interior Design Tips to Make Your Home Cozy in the Winter

During the cold winter months, you and your family are more likely to find yourselves indoors. While it may be more enjoyable to be outdoors, there may be times when the weather conditions will leave you with no choice but to stay indoors. Here are some ways to make your home cozy in the winter.

Decide on a focal point within your home

What parts of the home are you and your family most likely to gather around during the winter? If you're not ready to make your entire home cozy for the winter, then it's a good idea to choose a few common areas within the home as your focal point. The Dining room, living room, or kitchen can be a good place to start.

Cover the bare floors

Add more warmth to your home with rugs of any type: shag, traditional, or modern rugs are some nice options. Rugs are especially welcomed additions to homes with hardwood floors that tend to be colder in the winter. In addition to entryways and living rooms, rugs can also be placed under dining room tables.

Switch up your colour scheme

Let rich and warm colours add a spark of joy to your home. A simple change in the decorative pillows and linens can be a nice touch. Here are some helpful tips to consider when choosing the right colour scheme.

Choose the right lighting

Since there are less hours of daylight available in the winter, indoor lighting tends to be more important. Layer the lighting so that you have options to choose from. Your choice may vary depending on the activity you're engaged in or the time of day. Whatever the case may be, different lighting options can help you to set the tone you wish to achieve.

Decorate the fireplace mantel

A home with a fireplace can be a lovely place to spend time with your loved ones. When it's well decorated with family photographs and meaningful décor items, then it becomes that much more special. The items on the fireplace mantel may even serve as a conversation piece.
Staying cozy indoors can be a wonderful experience when you are surrounded by your loved ones. Although it may be cold outside during these months, you can always keep the warmth inside with the right design elements in place. To learn how Tall Pines Interiors can help you with, feel free to give us a call.
Together we make a house your home.